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Customized Internships at SoFair Farms

At SoFair Farms, we believe relationship to place and people are at the heart of sustainability. Our landscapes and built environment (infrastructure) strongly influence how we interact with our environment and each other, SoFair Farm is dedicated to building and landscape design that respects our environment through energy efficiency, material upcycling, eco-friendly materials, water efficient practices, passive solar, placement, and organic ecologically-inspired growing practices.

Through customized internships, we bring together people with a variety of skills and expertise in a supportive environment where each person can focus on his or her passion and share knowledge and insights.

Through this internship, you will:

*Learn to see through the eyes of a sustainable landscape designer: appreciate slope, water, sun, wind, existing structures, and micro-habitats

*Hands-on experience in construction of tiny houses, planning or upgrading of existing structures

*Gain hands-on experience and theoretical understanding of drought resistant,eco-friendly garden practices and a variety of delicious vegetables

*Participate in a local Community Garden project and understand how it's organized

*Be part of a learning-by-doing community

*Participate in discussions about best practices for student clubs, event organizing, and community spaces and projects

To Apply:

1) Submit a statement of purpose (500words or less) that answers the question,“What do I want to get out of my SoFairFarm internship?” or in other words, “Why I am applying?

2) Along with your statement of purpose,please submit a CV, resume, or short list of your skills and areas of expertise.

3) If you would like to further customize your internship, please write a proposal or suggest modifications to the existing internship

4) Download Internship Application and email to Tom Greene, along with supporting documents for steps 1 - 3 above.

E-mail applications to:

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